Couples in California may be aware that the rapper Master P is going through a divorce with his wife of 26 years, Sonia Miller. The two have been married since 1989 and have nine children.
The split has included allegations of bad parenting and drug abuse, and Miller claims her son has assisted Master P in hiding assets. She has also stated that she was forced to apply for government assistance. Now, a court has ruled as part of a temporary arrangement that Master P must pay her more than $10,000 monthly in child support and an additional $16,574 each month in spousal support. He must also pay $200,000 toward her legal fees.
The arrangement will change once assets are accounted for. Miller has also been granted permission to remain in the couple’s home. Reportedly, Master P attempted to prevent her from having men visit her there.
Parents who are divorcing will need to come to an agreement regarding child support, child custody and visitation. This may include discussing not just issues of day-to-day to expenses but also who will be responsible for educational and health expenses and other costs. Custody discussions may also determine who has decision-making responsibility about these and other aspects of the child’s upbringing. A court will use a formula to decide on the amounts for child support, but the factors that are used in this formula may vary, and parents may wish to discuss this with an attorney whether they expect to pay or receive child support. Ultimately, the court will attempt to make decisions that are in the best interests of the child.
Source: Madame Noire, “Master P must may estranged wife almost $30,000 a month in child and spousal support,” Victoria Uwumarogie, Nov. 5, 2015
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