Father goes for full custody in high profile custody battle

California residents may have taken note of a complicated custody battle in Michigan. The case received widespread publicity after three minor children refused to meet with their father, causing a judge to order them to a juvenile detention facility.

The judge had demanded that the children attempt to foster a healthy relationship with their father, and their refusal to meet with him was seen as disobedience of a direct order. The father was in the midst of a difficult custody battle with their mother, and the father insisted that the mother had been undermining his relationship with his children. After outside attention came to bear on the case, the judge transferred the children from the facility to a summer camp.

The father has since requested full custody of all three children. He is asserting that the mother is mentally unfit and has requested that she undergo a mental health evaluation. A thorough psychological screening of the children would also be necessary for the father to gain full custody of the children, as it would be important to establish precisely why they do not wish to meet with him or speak to him.

Complex custody disputes such as these are often hard on both the parents and the children. In addition to providing proof of their suitability and their assertions about the other parent, a parent who is requesting custody must determine a path forward that safeguards the best interests of the child. The guidance of an attorney can be invaluable for such situations. The attorney can assist in helping to present evidence to the judge hearing the dispute that demonstrates that the client deserves full parental rights.

Source: Yahoo, “Dad Battling for Custody of Kids Who Were Locked Up for Refusing to See Him”, Beth Greenfield, July 17, 2015

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