Travis Henderson

There’s no way to avoid the simple fact that going through a divorce is incredibly traumatic. Not only was I dealing with the emotional turmoil, but now I had to prepare to go in front of a judge and basically have him decide the future of my life, not to mention the lives of my two kids. After hearing horror stories from plenty of friends, I was very aware of the importance of hiring the right lawyer. When I lucked into finding Paula, I knew things were looking a little brighter. At our first meeting the confident energy in her demeanor was an immediate calming influence and her ability to handle tough questions with ease went a long way towards keeping things in focus at a time when nothing really seemed in focus.

Many of the same friends who told me horror stories ended up representing themselves but I honestly can’t imagine doing that after seeing how much time and effort Paula put into my case. Her experience and familiarity with the court system was a complete game changer. Just going into the courtroom knowing she was going to handle all the speaking duties was a huge relief.
My ex and her attorney were both very aggressive and Paula had no problem handling either one of them. My case was successful on every single one of the topics brought before the court and in the end, I knew for a fact that the biggest reason why was having Paula on my side.

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