
Vista Child Support Enforcement Attorney

Vista Child Support Enforcement Lawyer

If the other parent of your children has fallen behind on his or her child support obligations, you may have the right to ask the appropriate authorities to enforce your child support order. I am family lawyer Paula D. Kleinman. For more than 20 years, I have helped families enforce their rights to recover unpaid child support. Contact my office today.

If the noncustodial parent refuses to pay child support, courts and the California Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) have are a number of potential remedies to enforce payment, such as:

  • Wage garnishment
  • Placing liens on real or personal property
  • Suspension of a driver’s license or professional license
  • Contempt of court

If you are a noncustodial parent with unpaid support obligations, you need a lawyer immediately. Perhaps an illness or lengthy stint of unemployment is making it impossible for you to meet your obligations. Whatever the situation my law firm will take every available step within the law to modify your child support order or adequately resolve your arrearages.

Our law firm can also help enforce other parts of a divorce or custody judgment, including visitation. If the custodial parent is refusing to let you visit your children, or is violating the terms of your court order in any way, my law firm can ask the court to enforce the terms of the judgment.

Contact A Vista Child Support Enforcement Attorney At Paula D. Kleinman, A Professional Law Corporation

Child Support Enforcement

Call at 760-542-6072 or email my law firm to schedule a free initial consultation.

Over The Years, Our Commitment To Excellence And
Passion for Our Clients Has Been Recognized


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